The last residency of the Common Places A.i.R. cycle. saw the artists of Collectif Kahraba as guests.

Founded in 2007, Collectif Kahraba is a performing arts company comprising artists and technicians from different walks of life who firmly believe that art is a pathway for dialogue and openness. Thanks to a growing network of actors, writers, stage directors, photographers, puppeteers and dancers, brought together by the will to exchange tools and knowledge and to meet the audience, Collectif Kahraba poetically questions the world in which we evolve. With over 18 productions that tour regularly across Lebanon and internationally, Collectif Kahraba initiated “Us, the Moon & The Neighbours” in 2011; a free, multi-disciplinary festival. With 6 editions, the festival managed to position itself as a real platform for collaboration, exchange and encounters amongst audiences and local and international artists. In 2017 Collectif Kahrba takes the artistic direction of Hammana Artist House, a residency space for artists that it co-founded with Robert Eid. With Hammana Artist House, it’s the art of encounter that Collectif Kahraba chooses to put forth as a vehicle to develop the imaginary, curiosity, critical sense, and to contribute, in a shared responsibility, to building a culture of peace.

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Totus in pari cun Collectif Kahraba!

In the month preceding the arrival of the Collectif Kahraba artists, a close-knit group of boys and girls from Perdaxius and the surrounding area led by the artists Carlo Spiga and Matteo Rubbi conceived and created a new puppet show from scratch. The protagonists of an incredible story between science fiction and fantasy were born from clay: The fantastic story of Robit12.

During the workshops the screenplay, scenography and soundtrack were born. The premiere of the show took place on September 26, 2022 at the Perdaxius Social Center.

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Geologia di una fiaba

“Geologia di una fiaba” is a creative project for young audiences conceived of and interpreted by Aurelien Zouki and Éric Deniaud. The piece combines storytelling, dance, and object and sound manipulation. The central element is clay in layered sheets, in piles, in blocks, in bas-relief, modeled live, etc., giving life to figures and spaces. It is from and through this raw material that the two interpreters build the genealogy of fables and their origins. In order to write their own fables, we know that La Fontaine and Marie de France were inspired by Aesop, who was himself inspired by Persian tales, which most certainly came from India, and so on… probably since the continental drift, perhaps before language became so elaborate. The first fable may have even been modeled from clay. Through oral transmission, these simple wisdoms have been entrusted to us from age to age, territory to territory. The ascension of time and crossing of space reminds us that not so long ago, borders were not defined as they are today. The only things, perhaps, still able to easily cross, are our thoughts and our stories.

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