«And So We’ll End Up Singing» (“E così finiremo a cantare”) è il terzo ciclo del progetto Communities Between Islands, residenza artistica itinerante dedicata alla ricerca e allo scambio con la comunità locale, organizzata da tre associazioni culturali in tre isole del Mediterraneo: in Sardegna (Italia), in Corsica (Francia), e a Syros (Grecia).
L’ultimo capitolo di Communities Between Islands riunirà gli artisti e musicisti Lukas de Clerk, Maya Aghniadis (Flugen) e Roberto Casti in un viaggio che li porterà da Syros alla Corsica e alla Sardegna. I nostri artisti saranno a Perdaxius dal 9 al 24 Ottobre, portando avanti un lavoro che si concentrerà sulle narrazioni musicali attraverso le tre isole, reinterpretando la loro storia e cultura attraverso le lenti dei paesaggi sonori contemporanei, in un’anticipazione di possibili connessioni – passate e ancora future – tra di esse.
Durante la residenza gli artisti terranno dei laboratori aperti alle comunità locali e a chiunque abbia il piacere di partecipare, avvicinando il pubblico alla propria ricerca e pratica artistica.
Lukas de Clerk
The main topic of the project is the harvest of reed (Phragmites Australis) for fabricating Aulos reeds.
The timing of the Syros-part falls right in the sweet spot of a late harvest for Aulos reeds. Also october would be acceptable time to harvest reed, so already harvesting reed in all 3 islands would be pretty magical.
The part in Sardegna might be off course heavily inspired by the Launeddas. when we were with Luciano Montisci together, we brielfy talked about an Aulos-Launeddas fusion instrument… The ‘ghost’ of the Aulos, transforming the Launeddas could be a beautiful act of connection the islands.
We could connect the 3 islands by way of a plant typical of the Mediterranean, reed, and a desire to make an Aulos with elements of all 3 islands.
The caramusa in Corsica feels very related to the launeddas, but in the shape of the bagpipe. Lot’s of things to bring together hehe.
Very quick and associative thinking right now, but it could help us to already think together towards some direction!

Maya Aghniadis (Flugen)
We are always ahead of time while planning life, we lose the precious moment of the present and we are rebellious with our past, constantly making amends.
My idea for the creation of this sonic narrative revolves around elements of the past , present and future. A rhythmic play that challenges the feeling of time and soundscapes that send us to an ancient yet familiar place.
The storyline will link the three islands and will also include elements from the workshops ; A superposition that combines three different groups of people, all performing on the same note and rhythm without meeting each other.