Chantal Mailhac and Mona Hallab tell and sing on stage the story of Ba’al, the Phoenician’s “God of the rain, that climbs the clouds and come back with fertility; he lives above the clouds. During his time nature is green, colorful, full of fruits, flowers […]”
The night of the title refers to the winter solstice night, the longest of the year, before days start to be longer again. The tradition contains many points later taken up by Christianity (Jesus’ birth on the solstice and the death/resurrection process). Ba’al later became, as many gods with horns -he is associated with the constellation of Taurus-, one of the enemies of God, one of the ways to represent satan.
This performance wants to revive a story that has deep roots in Lebanese and Levantine history as well as in many places of the Mediterranean Sea, including Sardinia.
In Sardinia the figure of the bull was one of the most widespread in antiquity, and it is the base today for some of the famous masks used for carnival rituals.
Thanks to the histrionic and playful storytelling of Chantal, the voice of Mona, the support of Patricia Habchy for the mise-en-scène and of Maya Aghniadis for the music composition, the legend of Ba’al came back to life and was told and sung in front of the audience of students, children and young adults.